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Oil Spill Absorbents

SPEEDIKLEEN Premium Oil Absorbent

SpeediKleen Premium Oil Absorbent is an all-purpose absorbent designed for the quick cleanup of water, oil and grease.  Made from diatomaceous earth, a naturally occurring mineral with superior absorption ability, this high quality product delivers 50% more absorbency per pound than clay alternatives.  SpeediKleen premium Oil Absorbent is available in a leak-resistant, moisture-proof polybag.

SPEEDIKLEEN Premium Oil Absorbent  | Wholesale Safety Labels

GRAN-SORB Environmentally Friendly Oil Absorbent

GRAN-SORB Is a industrial absorbent made from 100% recycled post-consumer paper waste.  This environmentally-responsible product absorbs oils, solvents, lubricants, coolants, water and most non-aggressive liquids on contact.  Because Gran-sorb is created using fibrous sludge waste from select paper mills, it is safe for both environmental and employee use.  Gran-sorb has a weight to-weight absorbency of one-to-one:  eg:  30lbs will absorb 30lbs of oil.  

Gransorb is 100% silica-free.  Special Pricing available on Skid Lots of

65 Bags.  Call for details.

GRAN-SORB Environmentally Friendly Oil Absorbent  | Wholesale Safety Labels

MultiZorb Universal Chemical Spill Absorbent

MultiZorb is a slip resistant, lightweight, indoor use, universal granular absorbent used in the clean-up of chemical spills. It absorbs instantly and compacts for easy disposal. One 20lb bag will absorb 10 US gallons. Contains no reactive chemicals or known carcinogens and is non-toxic.

MultiZorb Universal Chemical Spill Absorbent  | Wholesale Safety Labels

Oil Gator® Absorbent

• All natural cellulosic fibres • When activated with the addition of moisture, the active bacteria will rapidly use all the available hydrocarbons as a food source • Non carcinogenic and non abrasive

• Stops leaking of contaminants into the soil or groundwater

• Ideal for hydrocarbons and comes in a 30 lb bag

Oil Gator® Absorbent  | Wholesale Safety Labels

Safe T Sorb® Premium Oil Absorbent

• 100% fuller's earth • All-purpose absorbent designed for the quick clean up of water, oil, and grease • Made from montmorillonite, a naturally occurring mineral with superior absorption ability • Packaged in a leak-resistant, moisture-proof poly bag • Works on any concrete surface • 40-lb. bag

Safe T Sorb® Premium Oil Absorbent  | Wholesale Safety Labels

Oasis Absorbent Granules

Absorbs any liquid bearing odorous substance found around urinals, toilets, sewers, garbage areas and dumpsters. 

Absorbs any petroleum-based oils, such as oil, diesel, gasoline, and kerosene.  Available in a 40 lb Drum

Oasis Absorbent Granules  | Wholesale Safety Labels

To order:  (Click on Below Images)

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